Almost everyone has their favourite season/time of the year. 
I have just come to realise Autumn is mine, in an ideal world it would be summer where I should be able to walk out in shorts and skirts without donning on the tights and carrying a warm jacket. But I live in Wales, South Wales in fact where rain seems to never be far behind. I'm sure if your a lovely follower on mine by now you know I am a freezer, I get cold so easily! but also when the heat waves do come I don't deal with the heat well and become irritable. It's a lose-lose situation for me.
So yes Autumn is my favourite, you can get away with wearing Jeans!! ohh I am such a jean girl. Warm long sleeved tops and baggy jumpers. All that without having to layer up like your visiting the polar bears and feeling that over -layered itchy ness. 
I am a lover of hot chocolate any day but in the autumn sitting outside, nicely layered in the autumn dim sun with a mug (or starbucks) hot chocolate just seems ideally lovely to me. (of course it has to be layered in marshmallows and cream!)
No one takes notice if you walk down the street in jeans and a pleather jacket with your headphones in, its just normal!

This year I am so excited for Autumn for the above reasons and that;
1. I have a ticket for Company presents bloggers style the hughstreet in London
2. I am going on my first holiday (be that it is small and still in the UK, but it's a holiday right?)
3. For the first time I actually get to "see" london, not just whizz past in a bus/cab to get to somewhere.
4. October = Halloween which means Pumpkins (yey!! squishy messy fun!)
5. Crunchy leaves as you walk through the lanes and lots of pretty colours surrounding you and not forgetting the autumn flowers budding. (got to love those stubborn flowers that stick through the crap weather)
6. I get to wear all my comfy jumpers and tights with pretty dresses.
7. Snuggly nights in, in front of the tv. (not that this doesn't happen anyways, just seems more acceptable)
8. The new fashion items and styles in the shops to buy, lust over and take inspiration from.
9. Make-up that doesn't melt down your face and leave you with black smudges from your mascara. But instead ends up literally all the way down your face thanks to lovely rain and wind. woooo!
10. I can start putting ideas together for christmas.

Even if Autumn isn't your favourite season let me know at least One reason why you love Autumn in the comments. 

Please follow me on any social networking sites that you use. (links are to the top left under my profile picture)
i.e Twitter, Instagram, Youtube

Thank you so much,


Sunday 5 October 2014


Almost everyone has their favourite season/time of the year. 
I have just come to realise Autumn is mine, in an ideal world it would be summer where I should be able to walk out in shorts and skirts without donning on the tights and carrying a warm jacket. But I live in Wales, South Wales in fact where rain seems to never be far behind. I'm sure if your a lovely follower on mine by now you know I am a freezer, I get cold so easily! but also when the heat waves do come I don't deal with the heat well and become irritable. It's a lose-lose situation for me.
So yes Autumn is my favourite, you can get away with wearing Jeans!! ohh I am such a jean girl. Warm long sleeved tops and baggy jumpers. All that without having to layer up like your visiting the polar bears and feeling that over -layered itchy ness. 
I am a lover of hot chocolate any day but in the autumn sitting outside, nicely layered in the autumn dim sun with a mug (or starbucks) hot chocolate just seems ideally lovely to me. (of course it has to be layered in marshmallows and cream!)
No one takes notice if you walk down the street in jeans and a pleather jacket with your headphones in, its just normal!

This year I am so excited for Autumn for the above reasons and that;
1. I have a ticket for Company presents bloggers style the hughstreet in London
2. I am going on my first holiday (be that it is small and still in the UK, but it's a holiday right?)
3. For the first time I actually get to "see" london, not just whizz past in a bus/cab to get to somewhere.
4. October = Halloween which means Pumpkins (yey!! squishy messy fun!)
5. Crunchy leaves as you walk through the lanes and lots of pretty colours surrounding you and not forgetting the autumn flowers budding. (got to love those stubborn flowers that stick through the crap weather)
6. I get to wear all my comfy jumpers and tights with pretty dresses.
7. Snuggly nights in, in front of the tv. (not that this doesn't happen anyways, just seems more acceptable)
8. The new fashion items and styles in the shops to buy, lust over and take inspiration from.
9. Make-up that doesn't melt down your face and leave you with black smudges from your mascara. But instead ends up literally all the way down your face thanks to lovely rain and wind. woooo!
10. I can start putting ideas together for christmas.

Even if Autumn isn't your favourite season let me know at least One reason why you love Autumn in the comments. 

Please follow me on any social networking sites that you use. (links are to the top left under my profile picture)
i.e Twitter, Instagram, Youtube

Thank you so much,



At 26 October 2014 at 09:28 , Blogger Unknown said...

Autumn has always been my all time favourite season! I love it when it starts to get darker a bit earlier (Making it acceptable to go to bed at 7pm every night of the week..) I really like coat/jacket weather. I don't know why, but in the summer I feel like I'm not fully dressed if I don't have my coat :P Loved this post :)

I'm a new blogger and just learning the ropes, if you'd like to check it out feel free :)

Ellie x

At 16 November 2014 at 14:08 , Blogger Charlee said...

Yey another girlie who loves Autumn and I agree I like the nights getting a bit darker. (minus the going to work in the dark and going home in the dark) haha but I can't have it all :)

I love your hair how to's they are so pretty!
Charlotte X


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