Katy Perry Vs... Herself? Killer Queen or Oh So Sheer..

 I am by far the typical example of a girl buying stuff for it's aesthetic appearance rather than it's purpose! but with both of the Katy Perry Killer Queen's you can not go wrong!. I now own both fragrances in the 100ml bottles and they're ohh so pretty!.
I not long ago posted a big blog post on the first Katy Perry Killer Queen in Red against the Taylor Swift Wonderstruck Red. This post gained many views, That being that I am not going to go and sing it's praises again in this one. Although if you do want to have a read of that little fight between Taylor and Katy here is the link. Click Me!

I received the Katy perry Killer Queen oh so sheer for an anniversary gift back in February, so far I still love it!. The design is so me (why I fell in love with the first one and asked for it for Christmas) but the second installment does not disappoint. I am not a girly pink girl as such but this colour pink is so subtle that it defiantly is allowed on my shelf!. The contrast of the two colours together look great, the red looking more devilish for nights out and the pink for a day time usage. That is almost how I wear them, I personally think and some may completely disagree that oh so sheer is like a lighter (more worn off after a couple of hours) scent of the first Killer Queen.
I do love the first fragrance its first pang of scent is wickedly enticing but I do believe it wears off easily and leaves a faint more subtle scent which to my nose matches hints of oh so sheer.
Oh so sheer does not disappoint if your thinking well if the first is stronger but fades easily into oh so sheer what does that one do. Answer is... it sticks around for a good amount of time!, im not saying it stays overpowering you with a sweet smell that if you walk past someone in the shop they instantly notice it, but I am saying a person giving you a quick hug will notice it!.

So what does it smell like? I am not the best for detecting scents I will admit, although if Curtis gets in my car from being in his mothers I can instantly detect what she has been cooking (odd!).
So I found a list online and I have highlighted the ones I have easily detected. Sounds a bit stupid if the bottles says its in there then it must be, but how much of it is there? so I've highlighted the ones that I personally think stand out the strongest to me and my nose. 
 : Sweet, Fruity, Woody, Patchouli, White Floral

So back to the fight of the two Katy's which one wins? hmmm difficult one! The first in my opinion wins on appearance and initial scent but the oh so sheer, seems to have a light scent that has staying power without giving me the typical hefty perfume headache.

Therefore I leave this one up to you girlies. Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments/ send me a tweet or even send me your link if you have a blog post too on these little favourites of mine.
Go on let me know!

Rose above the Thorns: Katy Perry Vs... Herself? Killer Queen or Oh So Sheer..

Saturday 3 May 2014

Katy Perry Vs... Herself? Killer Queen or Oh So Sheer..

 I am by far the typical example of a girl buying stuff for it's aesthetic appearance rather than it's purpose! but with both of the Katy Perry Killer Queen's you can not go wrong!. I now own both fragrances in the 100ml bottles and they're ohh so pretty!.
I not long ago posted a big blog post on the first Katy Perry Killer Queen in Red against the Taylor Swift Wonderstruck Red. This post gained many views, That being that I am not going to go and sing it's praises again in this one. Although if you do want to have a read of that little fight between Taylor and Katy here is the link. Click Me!

I received the Katy perry Killer Queen oh so sheer for an anniversary gift back in February, so far I still love it!. The design is so me (why I fell in love with the first one and asked for it for Christmas) but the second installment does not disappoint. I am not a girly pink girl as such but this colour pink is so subtle that it defiantly is allowed on my shelf!. The contrast of the two colours together look great, the red looking more devilish for nights out and the pink for a day time usage. That is almost how I wear them, I personally think and some may completely disagree that oh so sheer is like a lighter (more worn off after a couple of hours) scent of the first Killer Queen.
I do love the first fragrance its first pang of scent is wickedly enticing but I do believe it wears off easily and leaves a faint more subtle scent which to my nose matches hints of oh so sheer.
Oh so sheer does not disappoint if your thinking well if the first is stronger but fades easily into oh so sheer what does that one do. Answer is... it sticks around for a good amount of time!, im not saying it stays overpowering you with a sweet smell that if you walk past someone in the shop they instantly notice it, but I am saying a person giving you a quick hug will notice it!.

So what does it smell like? I am not the best for detecting scents I will admit, although if Curtis gets in my car from being in his mothers I can instantly detect what she has been cooking (odd!).
So I found a list online and I have highlighted the ones I have easily detected. Sounds a bit stupid if the bottles says its in there then it must be, but how much of it is there? so I've highlighted the ones that I personally think stand out the strongest to me and my nose. 
 : Sweet, Fruity, Woody, Patchouli, White Floral

So back to the fight of the two Katy's which one wins? hmmm difficult one! The first in my opinion wins on appearance and initial scent but the oh so sheer, seems to have a light scent that has staying power without giving me the typical hefty perfume headache.

Therefore I leave this one up to you girlies. Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments/ send me a tweet or even send me your link if you have a blog post too on these little favourites of mine.
Go on let me know!



At 3 May 2014 at 08:32 , Blogger Simone said...

I got Killer Queen for my five year wedding aniversary and I love it. I'm not a nig fan of perfum in general but it's just such a beautiful smell!

At 4 May 2014 at 00:41 , Blogger Charlee said...

I agree!
So that's one vote for the Killer Queen,
Thanks for the comment :) x

At 29 May 2014 at 01:30 , Blogger Amy - Salt and Chic said...

I've never smelt either of them! Need to get down to the perfume shop and try them out!

Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

At 31 May 2014 at 05:46 , Blogger Charlee said...

Yes I really do recommend them both, Superdrug does good deals on the oh so sheer one every now and then :) x


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